Life-Changing Reports from Couples Empowered At a Marriage M.INT.

“M.INT. was a HUGE weekend for me! I’ve become so free! Now I’m free of so much junk that I have been hanging on to for almost 20 years, and then probably even more than that since I learned some wrong patterns early on in life. I am SOOO thankful for this precious gift of new life that I have been given!!!” ~ Heidi H HeaderPlaceholder

“The marriage M.INT. has been so empowering and wonderful that I encourage anyone to make a way, even where you think there is no way. Take any and every birthday gift, Christmas gift, or even do car washes to get you and your spouse to it! God does amazing work at these M.INT.s, and I highly encourage you to believe in faith to go!” ~ Jeri P

“I just want to say again how beyond grateful I am for M.INT.!! I have been waiting for years for my husband to change, but the Holy Spirit showed me a deeper layer of my need to look at ME and not my husband!! I’ve had to repent of so many things and wrong thought processes!! Since M.INT. there has been so much repenting happening, on BOTH our parts! My heart aches for how many years we’ve lost because of my wrong thinking and blame. I’m overcome with gratitude to have had the TRUTH revealed to me!!! Thank you M.INT.!!! And thank you to those of you who financially supported us and made it possible for us to come!!! It has changed our lives FOREVER and impacted our family for generations to come! I’m humbled and grateful beyond words for your investment in our lives, marriage, family and future. THANK-YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!” ~ Teri P

“Oh my goodness! The M.INT. has been a game-changer for us! I just cant believe it! Thank you sooooo very much!!! I am feeling true brokenness over how Ive hurt my family and Im really repenting and learning new ways to be firm but loving and its such a learning process!

Now since M.INT., when I cry to the Lord because I don’t know what to do, I notice something very different. I’m not getting headaches from holding in the tension and my shoulders are feeling totally relaxed! When my daughter’s behavior was troubling me, I cried out to God and then I remembered that He was right there with me so I tried to picture Him sitting with me just like Marilyn and Barbie sat with me and it comforted me just to really know His presence. And then I could picture Jesus sitting on the edge of my daughters bed with her, comforting her too. So I went in to her and snuggled with her and rubbed her back and head and told her what God showed me. We are just having so many amazing moments and I dont feel like I need to rush anything or expect to be further than we are anymore.

Since M.INT., my husband and I are just so different. The Lord freed me of a stronghold that has been over my whole life, and my husband came in with a wall of self-protection and was bathed and encouraged in prayer. I feel like there was a veil between us that is coming down now. We know there is so much to restore and we are in it whole-heartedly together! Its truly a miracle! Thank you! A thousand times, thank you!” ~ Monica A

“I’m so overcome with gratitude for our couples M.INT. this weekend! I know it will take time to process so many things but I want you all to know that our God is so full of LOVE and compassion and miracles! Each session brought us more light and understanding and breakthroughs. It was mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally exhausting in the best way! Our marriage was challenged and strengthened in the most powerful way! Even the drive home together we had conversation and trust and understanding like never before! And we thought we were a really happy couple before! I came home to my children, truly broken by my sin toward them, and with a freedom and deep desire to love them for REAL!

Thank you to those who made it possible for us to attend with a helping hand up! Thank you to the family and friends who so lovingly cared for all of our children so that we could be away! Thank you to the sweet team of couples who shared their struggles and victories so honestly with us and showered us with notes and gifts of love! Thank you Marilyn and Barbie! Thank you for your intense labor of love and deep self-sacrifice to develop and prepare and facilitate for this miraculous work of the Holy Spirit to occur in our lives! You all have shown me love like no one in my whole life! You have trained me up in the way I should go and by God’s grace, I will never depart from it! I’m eternally grateful!” ~ Monica A

MichaelKelly“I just got back from an incredible M.INT. weekend with my husband. It was absolutely incredible! We have been changed forever!!! The content was so good and so needed. We have both come away with so many breakthroughs and a huge amount of gratitude to the M.INT. team for showering us with so much love. I want to encourage you to sign up for a M.INT. event. You will not ever ever regret it!!!” ~ Kelly W

Kelly Writes Again Two Weeks Later

“The last two weeks since our M.INT. have been very hard and very good. The first week brought conflict with extended family, a really tough situation at work for my husband, and sickness for everyone in our family. The second week brought us deeper into each of those things. It’s been a perfect storm for us. But, the Lord was right there with us. Through our M.INT. He had prepared us for this and we were able to come together where we would normally have pushed each other away. We gently and lovingly helped each other in our processing. It gave us lots of chances to practice listening and we were both surprised a couple of times to find out what was truly going on in each other’s hearts when normally we would have assumed something else. When we did have conflict between us, we did not respond our normal selfish ways this time!!! We didn’t do our old relational dance! It was a little awkward, but instead of the usual anger, accusations, assumptions and offense, there was talking and listening and understanding and repentance and forgiveness. YAY!!!!! It was so so good! I continue to be amazed and so grateful for all that we learned and were made aware of at the M.INT. We both feel like we have the right tools to go deeper with each other and move toward unity of spirit.”  ~ Kelly W

Happy Women Who Were Empowered At a Moms M.INT.

“M.INT. was AMAZING! Hearing more about how to love much and how to love well and gaining so much clarity about what actions to take to move forward was so freeing. But what I didn’t anticipate was SEEING and EXPERIENCING love. It was so FILLING, if you will, soul-filling. I feel prepared and empowered to give more to my family.”~Hollie J

“Since M.INT. I have been more intentional to not jump to conclusions and make assumptions about my husband and his motivations. We are working harder at understanding each other and being compassionate. Now I see so many good things in my husband! He is more affectionate with our kids. He has been stopping his outbursts and spending more time with them. I see my kids getting excited to be with him. Little breakthroughs like this give me so much hope for our process! I know that we are not alone and the only reason we are on this path of learning to love well is because God placed us here. It is not in my strength but in His. I am incredibly thankful for the tools that we learned at the M.INT.” ~ Erica A

“After attending the M.INT. this weekend, my conscience has been turned WAY up and I can hear EXACTLY what I need to do. Thank you Lord! Thank you Marilyn and Barbie! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this weekend! ~ Amber S

“If you have been thinking you may want to go to a M.INT., trust me, you do. It is worth the time away and the cost involved because what you come away with is priceless!!!” ~ Stephanie K

“Before M.INT., I knew that I needed some real clarity about the actions I needed to take with my family. Although I had been regaining a little traction just before, I wasn’t quite out of the ditch. I had a nagging awareness that I didn’t know my children well – not like I wanted and needed to know them. I had a measure of their hearts, but I needed, and they needed me to go much deeper into their lives. They needed to become known, really known. I was already in the process of becoming more real and known on a deeper level—allowing the Lord and others to know me—just prior to M.INT., but as Marilyn and Barbie shared about knowing our children, it all clicked. I was under the deep conviction that I was still leaving my children alone. I had had the false notion that I needed to be careful not to probe too much. After all, I reasoned, “I am not the ‘Holy Spirit’ in their lives.” I also thought that I could somehow do more damage by probing my children, because they didn’t talk as much. Maybe I would be putting thoughts in their head that they didn’t really have if I brought up too many things. I was thinking that I better leave things alone. I came to realize that in reality, I was leaving them alone. When M.INT. was over, I knew exactly what I needed to do. As I have obeyed the Lord in getting to know my children, He has given me insight and wisdom for each one. During M.INT. the Lord broke my heart for my children. I did not and do not want to leave them alone any more, no matter what it costs me. I am not fearful, but fully confident that He is with me not leaving me alone either!

So, now I am coming to know my children and my husband on a much deeper level. I am listening and probing more. My kids are opening up to me more. I’m able to see and understand with more clarity, because I am also hearing the Lord more and coming to know Him more. Little by little I am gaining more of my family’s hearts, and the Lord is capturing more of mine. We all have much more joy. I have more direction and purpose than ever! Thank you Lord! I am full of gratitude toward the Lord for what He has been doing. I am so thankful for the opportunity that was given to me to go to M.INT. as my dear friend provided the money for me to go. I am especially thankful for Marilyn, Barbie, and Rhonda who have given so sacrificially of themselves, being a demonstration of love to me. Thank you Lord!

I would encourage anyone who is contemplating attending either the Mom’s Intensive or the Marriage Intensive to attend. Its value is priceless.” ~ Hollie J

“Words feel inadequate to describe what the M.INT. conference meant to me and how the Lord is using it in my life. I went, hoping to find what was keeping me stuck. I felt I’d surrendered so much and yet the repair of relationships with my family was at a standstill. Without knowing it, I’d begun to lose hope.

From the very FIRST session, things became glaringly clear where I was still hanging onto my stuff and keeping my relationships at a distance. I saw things I’d completely overlooked and some areas I had previously checked off as clearin my mind, wrongly assuming I’d overcome them. I began to understand at my core how I have wounded my family and it’s heartbreaking to see. I’ve torn down my family with my own hands. By the end of M.INT., there was so much brewing in my soul that I had to ask the Lord to show me the exact areas He wanted me to focus on.

I went to bed the last night of M.INT. feeling hope again. I awoke early that morning abruptly and I woke up wrapped in His love, it felt literal, as if I awoke in a hug. I broke down crying because my greatest longing has always been to be completely, utterly loved right where I am. I don’t know how to explain how beautiful it felt and every time I’ve tried to rewrite this, it seems trite compared to the freedom I feel. But I am free. I understand now. I am free to love because I AM LOVED!! He is making me aware moment by moment whenever I start to go back to my old ways. I can clearly see how I was trying to get others to love me. As I’m reaching into the closet of false personalities for my old others-pleasing tactics God stops me and reminds me that I don’t need those anymore. HE loves me and I don’t have to keep trying to make others love me. This has been huge! I’m crying as I write this! His Love is beautifully intense and I finally understand that freedom is truly possible!

Thank you Marilyn and Barbie for your honesty and willingness to share these truths and the sacrifice you’ve made to do so. I’ve already had beautiful moments with each of my family members repenting to them about the wrong ways I’ve related. Thank you, Cynthia (my sister) for showing me what true love looks like. Your love drew me in and made me want what you had! I wouldn’t have gone to M.INT. without you telling me it would be worth it and of course, you were right ~ it WAS! Most of all, thank you to God who pours out His love lavishly!” ~ Catherine D

IMG_5513“Since the mom’s M.INT., my heart feels so full and I am very thankful and grateful. When I first heard about the Mom’s M.INT., I knew that I wanted to go even though I was disappointed that some of my friends were not able to attend with me. I was very desperate and knew that I needed a breakthrough. I can honestly tell you that I received the breakthrough that I was looking for! I do not know exactly when it happened, but I know that I came home changed, full of hope, and ready to press in to the Lord like never before.

It is amazing! Now I feel like His love is bubbling out of me. The tense, distressed, desperate feelings are gone. Praise the Lord!! I no longer feel hopeless but full of Hope. I no longer have a pressure headache but feel compelled to press in and go all the way. I no longer feel overwhelmed but compelled to earnestly pray for the one thing that God wants me to focus on and start obeying Him.

When I got home, my husband was worn out and my kids were stirred up and angry with each other, but I didn’t feel any of the distressed second-guessing feelings I used to have. Instead I hugged everyone, showed them all of my special M.INT. gifts and treats and made them something to eat. I didn’t have any of the old fleshly behaviors stirring up within me. Instead I was full of grace and compassion for my husband and kids. I know we have a lot of work to do and I am ready to cooperate with the Lord one step at a time.

Since the M.INT., I have not been feeling overwhelmed! I feel very calm and I know that the Lord is giving me His strength and His words to reach into my children’s hearts and deal with the real issues at hand. I’ve experienced the Lord’s love flowing through me, encouraging me, helping me to be strong and to have the words to say. I am overflowing with gratitude to Marilyn, Barbie, Rhonda (my table hostess), and all of the other ladies that prayed for me and spoke into my life that weekend. Thank you for giving to the Lord! I have a life that is changed!” ~ Loria P

“At the mom’s M.INT. I was incredibly blessed by Marilyn and Barbie’s teaching. I’ve been helped so much by their coaching calls and written materials, and by personal input from Cynthia (my friend) over the past five years. The Lord has been working through them to start and grow me on a path to real living in Him with abundant life, being free from lies and bad relating habits, and to get to really know Him. Before the M.INT. conference, the Lord was doing something in me, helping me to have understanding so I could connect to the real Him, not a false image of Him that I had made up in my mind. I can see that He’s been helping me in this process for several years. During the M.INT., I was almost bursting with joy. I knew it was just what the Lord wanted me to hear! The experience of being there in person was worth so much more than what I paid for!

The teachings were so clear to me and they made so much sense! They helped me to move forward in the next steps that I needed to take. I felt so loved, so encouraged, so happy to have more understanding! I took those tools home with me! I was able to see much more clearly how I was specifically relating in unloving ways with my family, and how to love them more. The Lord definitely used my time at M.INT. to reveal Himself to me and to pour His love into my soul. It’s all over-whelming! The God of the universe intimately loves on my heart and everything He does is for my good and out of love! He’s so trustworthy, dependable, hopeful, and loving. I finally know in my own heart what it means to be empowered by love! I want His influence in every area of my life because I’m safe with Him and safe in His love.

I was so blessed to be able to have one-on-one conversation with the wonderful ladies who were either on the M.INT. team or attending the conference. They’re all beautiful women. What a sweet experience.

No matter where you’re at in your process of knowing Him, surrendering to Him, of learning how to know and love your family more, you’ll be blessed by a M.INT. Marliyn and Barbie, thank you!!!! I know you poured so much love and energy into us, and thank you M.INT. team for pouring out as well and making it a very sweet experience.” ~ Angie E

“I was one of the blessed women who attended the first Mom’s M.INT. It was life changing and truly one of the best investments of money our family has ever made!

The investment and love poured on me by Marilyn and Barbie and the team of ladies working with them was just overwhelming. They had gone to so much effort to make the settings lovely and to shower us not only with gifts and care for physical needs, but so much love, smiles, encouragement, talking, sharing testimonies, and listening. It is amazing how love felt! The information shared by Marilyn and Barbie in the sessions was LIFE-Changing! It was so practical and made many connections for me in my understanding. I agree with my friend, Angie, when she said that no matter where you are in your process, this conference will speak to you! If you are in the place of wanting to cooperate with God, M.INT. will propel you forward in knowing how to do that. The assignments and discussions in small groups really helped to make the information and principles personal to what is going on in me and my family. I am still working through the homework assignments and receiving insight from the Lord.

From the priceless M.INT. materials they sent home with us I have come to understand how I was identifying with my flesh (who I am in my flesh) rather than identifying with Christ and who He meant me to be. I discovered I had a deeply held belief from my childhood that actually prevented me from receiving the Lord’s love for me in full measure so that I could be completely motivated by His love. I was, out of fear of being alone, taking control and trying to do things in my own strength. Through the M.INT. teaching, and some personal input from Marilyn and Barbie, as well as the assignments, I have had a significant breakthrough that has changed me soul-deep. I am not the same person who went there and my family can SEE the difference in me!

I did not see how I could afford the M.INT. or make it happen to travel across the country to go, but I am so glad I listened to His prompting, received the ways He made it happen and went! As I said, no amount of money we have ever spent has accomplished what I feel the M.INT. has for my whole family and our unity in the Lord. It is already producing amazing fruit in my relationship with my husband and our children. I can’t say, “Thank you!” enough to Marilyn and Barbie for what they so generously sow. I encourage you to cast it on the Lord to help you make it possible if He is prompting you to go. You will not regret it!” ~ Julie M

IMG_0254“I was just thinking of something difficult I may have to do this week which may involve some truth-telling to someone close to me. I was thinking about walking in forgiveness and how I have a more complete understanding about that since M.INT. I realize now that the only reason I can walk in forgiveness is because I have been so deeply convicted about the depth and seriousness of my own sin, selfishness and lack of love. That I comprehend my true position is not one of judge, but of a helpless and undeserving one receiving rescue. The way in which I can walk in forgiveness and have the confidence and authority to tell the truth, is because of receiving into my own heart and life much forgiveness for my sin and much truth-telling, too. Im actually looking forward to extending heaps of forgiveness and Holy Spirit-led truth-telling to this hurting and hurtful person. I’m so grateful to the Lord for helping me through this life changing process of my own convictions, repentances, and obstacles, challenges and overcomings.” ~ Michelle G

“Dear M.INT. team, Thank you for all the time, thought and prayer that went into showering us with your love. It definitely felt like the Lord was speaking to me and loving on me through your loving gifts!” ~ Angie E

“Since M.INT., God’s been in my face in the BEST way! The Lord used M.INT. to break through my wrong beliefs about Him and help me to embrace His love. Because of this, I’m hearing God’s correction distinctly and taking action in obedience. It’s true that love flows through obedience! I’d like to share a few examples from this week of having many opportunities to obey.

This week I had to go into a new situation. Things like this normally make me anxious and fearful. This time the Lord revealed the reason I get anxious and fearful. It is because I want to be liked and I’m fearful people won’t like me. He reminded me that I am loved and no longer should be identifying with being well-liked because my true identity is loved by God.

Later this week I was running late because I was directionally challenged. I was going to a good friend’s baby shower and I wanted to arrive early to help. I left in plenty of time but on the way my GPS stopped working so I had to pull over to find an app on my phone. My phone kept glitching and I missed a turn. I started to go into my usual blaming and berating myself and self-pity, but the Lord stopped me and reminded me that I am loved. Getting lost is a foilble, not a sin. I no longer identify with worrying what others think of me or dwelling in self-hatred. I am loved by the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE! I can let others think what they will, stop being self-centered in my thinking and just love on others. I obeyed and let go, sinking deep into Gods love. Miraculously, I was able to enter the shower late and not make it about me. I didn’t overly apologize, making the hostess feel pressured to tell me it was okay. I didn’t tell everyone around me how awful I felt, making them carry my problem. I walked in able to fully focus on my pregnant friend and all the people there to celebrate her.

In another instance we were invited over one evening. My husband came home exhausted from work. He told them he probably wouldn’t come but wasn’t sure about me. I sought the Lord on what to do and felt that I was to stay home. After letting them know I wasn’t going to be coming, my immediate thoughts went to wondering what they thought about me. Were they hurt or mad at me? God quickly stopped me and reminded me that obsessing about what others think of me is putting them in the judge’s seat over me instead of Him. It’s idolatry. I repented and stopped letting that occupy my mind, then I internally gave my friends permission to think whatever they wanted about me.

I could go on and on with all the things the Lord is showing me! I am so grateful! I am full of joy about the hopeful prospect of being completely free of all this false stuff!” ~ Catherine D

“I’d like to thank all the table hostesses for the many beautiful and thoughtful gifts you made for us. Each one is so special. I am enjoying revisiting each gift, each letter, and card. I hope everyone arrived home safely. Thank you Barbie and Marilyn!” ~ Carolyn J

“I’m so excited! Since the M.INT. The Lord has been clarifying the steps of my sin pattern related to my feelings of inadequacy. This morning we had to be out the door for a series of appointments, and I was seriously running behind to leave. I was tempted, as usual, to start blaming, accusing, and disapproving everyone. I clearly saw those options but cooperated with the Lord and stopped. I didn’t know what else to do instead, but I kept ALL that yuck inside of me. I didn’t even sigh, groan or make ugly faces or anything! And when I got in the truck, I was free to tell the kids they had done a great job getting ready and I took 100% responsibility for our being late!! Usually I’m so angry by the time we leave, and I have many things for which to ask forgiveness. I know this is only a first step, but I’m praising the Lord and I’m filled with gratitude! Thank You Lord!” ~ Ericka H

“My son just asked me, ‘So, are you in M.INT. condition now?’ LOL! I’ve been thinking about this term ‘mint condition’ and how it relates to the conference. Mint was originally the term for coins when they left the factory. We are in the process of allowing God to restore us to MINT condition, because we are “pre-owned” and of great value to Him!” ~ Hollie J

Empowered Hearts Ministry