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Personal Testimony—Jacky

Here you can find the Do-Over Duos Jacky mentions.

Love's Actions 1:5 Challenge Program

In the 1:5 Challenge video program, Marilyn teaches 15 core messages of practical, loving action steps that truly address real needs with powerful, heart-level impact. Based on 1 Timothy 1:5, parents are invited to connect more fully with the Lord, with themselves, and their children as they enter the process of learning to love much & love well. 

This popular video challenge has been converted into an online program accessible on any device. This program gives 15 core challenges and an abundance of bonus material for healing the relational heartbeat of your family and bringing them into Kingdom life. It is a great place to start if you are new to Marilyn's ministry or have recently begun homeschooling.

Also included, Marilyn Howshall's ebook, Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Life

“Thank you so much! This helped my heart so, so much and strengthened my resolve to do better by my kids tomorrow!” ~ Maria B

"I know this has impacted me and my family so much, I will never be the same again. Thank you for sowing into our lives Marilyn!" ~ Liesl E.

"I’m so blessed to never be the same again. Because of your obedience to the Lord, Marilyn, I’ll never return, I’ll close the door! I am beyond blessed and forever grateful!" ~ Kristina H.

"My heart is breaking and full of hope at the same time right now! Thank you sooo much. This helps me so much, I am inspired and convinced this challenge is going to continue to heal and bless my family." ~ Jamie C.

"This was so incredibly powerful." ~ Gretchen M.

“This has been so refreshing and encouraging. It has given me insight into my own childhood and strained relationship with my mom, and therefore areas I have struggled with correcting in myself and teaching in a healthy God loving way to my children. Thank you for these tools!” ~ Demetria L

“I am just loving these. I am being ministered to about God's heart towards me AND I feel strength and love being poured into my intentions towards my kids. I WANT your convictions, God!” ~ Myca M

"Thank you SO much! This is so wonderful, so good! So true and pure." ~ Holly H.

“This challenge has been a big accelerator for me! I'm so excited for the next season of our family's life!” ~ Maria B

Read Marilyn's Invitation and Encouragement to You

Marilyn Howshall

Marilyn Howshall

Author, Minister, Family Heartbeat Mentor

Hello Dear Moms! 

Are you troubled by the behavior of your children, the unfriendliness and bickering between siblings, the lack of listening to your instructions, and the burnout and boredom in your oldest? Are you going through a major disruption in your life being home with your children? Are you sensing things aren’t quite right in your children’s relationships, and it’s troubling you, but you don’t know what to do about it? 

I have some good news for you! God wants to do a new thing in your family, as he’s disrupting your status quo with the 2020 quarantine. He’s using this circumstance to draw you to Himself to be parented by Him so He can show you how to parent like He does. 

I remember when this same thing happened to me back in 1984 when my husband came home from work one day and said “we’re going to homeschool”. I wasn’t exactly thrilled—I’d never heard of homeschooling. The idea of bringing our children home from school literally gripped my heart with fear. I knew I was ill-equipped and didn’t have a clue what to do and how to move my children’s lives and education in a positive direction. 

I wasn’t yet a Christian believer and I didn’t have the desire to have my children surrounding my life all day every day. I was fiercely independent and emotionally needy and it wasn’t long before I came to see that our family relationships were moderately dysfunctional as well. When our decision to homeschool was made, I truly felt like my life had come to an end. I know that sounds pretty dramatic, but I truly felt like I was dying inside, losing all my freedom and any chance for happiness and personal fulfillment. My lifestyle, my preferred way of life was majorly disrupted. 

But God was calling me to himself. I didn’t know what I was searching for, but He did. 

I knew one thing—I loved my children and I didn’t want to ruin them. 

That compelled me and drove me for the answers that I needed. He compelled me toward Himself and I began to sense His presence coming in and surrounding my life, as if He was saying, “Here I am to help you.” 

The Lord would use this one decision (that I didn’t even make) and major disruption to change the trajectory of our lives, setting us on a path of healing our own family relationships, developing a method of education that equips children for real life, and leading us to reach out and help hundreds of other families struggling in their homeschool walk. I’ve been ministering to families at conferences for 15 years, answering questions for moms in search of answers for their family relationships. 

God is calling you, Dear Heart, to know Him more, and to rely on Him more and more. You are being extended a divine invitation. God can help with your family relational challenges and educational needs.

I invite you to join me for The Love's Actions 1:5 Challenge, based on 1st Timothy 1:5, “But the goal of our instruction is love [which springs] from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

I want to mentor you through the beginnings of this relational process in your home. I designed this challenge to make it easy for you to view on any of your devices, for 15 days of Love’s Actions to heal the relational heartbeat of your family. This 15-Day challenge will give you very simple and practical actions that you can take each day to dramatically impact the atmosphere of your home and bring the Lord’s wisdom and hope to your homeschooling journey. Be surrounded in an encouraging and supportive atmosphere as you hear from others how the Lord has worked and is working in their families. 

Empowered Hearts Ministry