Each Love’s Actions audio is around an hour long and includes a transcript for those who prefer to read, or read along. In each Seminar, Barbie Poling brings to you a thorough explanation and discussion of one of love’s actions taken from Scripture, such as patience, faithfulness, kindness, and so on. She provides an expanded definition taken from the dictionary and uses many clear illustrations of what a particular love’s action would look like worked out in your family relationships—with your spouse, with your children, and in the relationship between siblings.

Each seminar concludes with how God expresses that particular love’s action toward us. It’s our hope to bring conviction to your heart and inspiration for taking positive love actions toward your family. As God corrects and instructs you toward becoming the loving parent He wants you to be, Lifestyle of Learning™ will work for you just as it does for us and many other moms who’ve been making these same changes.

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Focuses on the Love Action of Patience

In this first of 12 Love’s Actions audio seminars, Barbie Poling gives very practical examples of actions a person needs to stop and start doing in order to become patient. The examples are specific to what patience looks like in a marriage, what it looks like between siblings, and what it looks like in a parent. Barbie also talks about God’s patience with us.

audio and transcript—$12.00


Barbie shares how peace, one of the fruits of the Spirit, brings tranquility, freedom from disturbance, agitation, fear, anger, anxiety, private quarrels, quietness of conscience, a state of reconciliation, and calmness. How to attain this peace between spouses and between siblings and between parents and children is discussed with more thought-provoking examples and illustrations. Things that we need to stop doing and things to start doing in order to attain peace.

audio and transcript—$12.00



We all think we know what faithfulness means, but there is so much more than what we see on the surface. Barbie uncovers many truths about the love action of faithfulness, and shows with many clear and practical examples what it looks like in relationship with your spouse, with your children, and between siblings.

audio and transcript—$12.00


Being Understanding and Cooperation

Being Understanding—Barbie brings another love action of being understanding in relationships with your spouse,your children and between siblings. She demonstrates how having understanding of others requires intentional effort and thought life toward them. Barbie lists out the activities of an understanding person and applies these to spouses, parents with their children, and siblings with each other. She also reveals typical examples of thought life and behavior in social circles, and how the love action of being understanding is usually absent.

Cooperation—Cooperation is the topic of part 12 of Barbie’s Love’s Actions Seminar Series. You might think that many of these Love’s Actions are intertwined, and you would be correct in believing they are, however, even with that being the case, Barbie successfully brings something new, fresh, insightful, and sometimes surprising to each presentation that will challenge you and spur you toward change.

Being Understanding and Cooperation
audios and transcripts—$24.00

Gratitude and Being Virtuous

Gratitude—Barbie discusses the things that we need to stop doing in order to show gratitude, including being limited in sentiments. She shows how being full of certain characteristics, that it’s impossible to be full of gratitude, and what it would look like to have gratitude in your relationship with your children, spouse, and the Lord.

Being Virtuous—In this part of Love’s Actions, Barbie shares how we really don’t know the meaning of virtue. This thought-provoking teaching begins with the definition of virtue and its expanded definitions. The suggestion is made of faithfully attending to relational duties, and abstaining from the neglect of duty. Barbie explains how these look in relationship with your spouse, your children, and between siblings. Corruption of manners and building memories with your children is also discussed. Actions are given about what we need to stop doing and what we need to start doing in order to be virtuous.

Gratitude and Being Virtuous
audios and transcripts—$24.00

Honesty, parts 1 and 2

Honesty, parts 1 and 2—Barbie discusses what it looks like in relationships to be honest. She talks very specifically about the very common relational activity of emotional manipulation and what it looks like in relationships when we go against the wishes of others through deceit. She talks about the freedom of being straight-forward and sincere as we relate with our spouse, our children, and in training our children to relate rightly with each other. Barbie also discusses the difference between consequences and bribery, giving examples of each. There is additional discussion about teaching your children grace. Barbie draws a distinction between the stopping of sinful patterns of behavior and taking it a step further to initiate loving actions, which replace the unloving habits. This seminar is 2 hours long and is divided into parts 1 and 2.

Honesty parts 1 and 2
audios and transcripts—$24.00

Kindness and Kindness to the Selfish and the Wicked

Kindness—Barbie shares thought-provoking insight into what it means to be spiritually mature, and to be kind, and what the difference is between being generally nice, and being truly kind. Many more examples are given in relationships between spouses, between parents and children, and between siblings. This is another excellent message of this series that you don’t want to miss.

Being Kind to the Selfish—Barbie discusses the Love Action of being kind and charitable and good to the ungrateful, the selfish, and the wicked. She describes what this looks like in specific situations with your spouse, your children, between siblings, and others whose actions are unloving and unkind to you.

Kindness and Kindness to the Selfish and Wicked
audios and transcripts—$24.00

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
along with Edification

Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness—Barbie discusses thought-provoking insights into what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and what the difference is between family love and God’s love. Many more examples are given in relationships between spouses, between parents and children, and between siblings. This is another excellent message of this series that you don’t want to miss.

Edification and Development—The Love’s Action for this message is about aiming for and eagerly pursuing the Edification and Development of one another. Barbie explains the things we must stop doing in order to eagerly pursue edification and development of one another, and then shows the things we must begin doing instead. She gives clear examples of these within the relationships between spouses, parents with their children, and between siblings.

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness and Edification
audios and transcripts—$24.00

Here is what people are saying about the Love’s Actions Audios:

“Listening to even one of the Love’s Actions audios will enrich your walk with the Lord and open up your eyes to see the ways of Jesus walked out in everyday situations down to the finest detail with your children and spouse, and also between you and the Lord. Barbie brings a copious amount of practicality filled with examples in a very clear and precise manner to illustrate every point made in her presentation. Once you have listened to one audio, you will not want to miss out on hearing all the rest of them. These audios are not something you want to pass up!” ~ Carolyn J

“I am learning from the Love’s Actions audios how much more there is to loving my family than I ever have known before. I am so blessed by Barbie’s teachings that are so real and specific, not theory. They are so life-changing. This is real education in the things that really matter. Each time I listen to one, I see how far away from loving I have been, and it grieves me so much. Yet, I am filled with so much joy, because Barbie tells not only what we are to stop doing, but what we should start doing instead. Specific, practical. There is life and hope here. Don’t miss it! Thank you so much, Barbie!” ~ Michelle H

“The Love’s Actions audios have been transformational for me. My husband and children have been telling me what a difference they see in me. Thank you Barbie! I cannot wait to hear the newest one as well as read and highlight the transcript.” ~ Sharyn K

*These products are downloadable audios and transcripts*
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Empowered Hearts Ministry