Marriage M.INT. Conference
for Christian married couples

​FEBRUARY 20-22, 2019
$300 per couple

If you haven't been to
a Marriage M.INT. before

Pre-Preparation suggestions for making the most of your Marriage M.INT. attendance

*CombativeIf you and your husband have arguments containing hateful put-downs, spiteful name calling, threats to leave each other, or are physically abusive to the other, your volatile or desperate relationship is not ready for the message presented at the Marriage M.INT. nor are you ready to participate in the assignments with each other. You'll need some individual and one-on-one help first.

*SeparatedIf you and your husband are on the verge of separation or divorce or are currently separated, you need some individual and one-on-one help before you are ready to grow together in unity.

Refund Policy

When we need to cancel the event:

If that happens, we will contact you and refund your complete registration as soon as possible.

When you need to cancel your attendance:

If you need to cancel your attendance before the cut-off date, we’ll refund your entire registration. In the event you have a change of plans that prevents you from attending the M.INT event you paid for, after the cut off date, you will be refunded 75% of your registration. (Refunds can take up to two weeks.)

Marilyn Howshall

Marilyn's ministry empowers parents to become competent working in the heartbeat of their family. She shows you how to break through the barriers that prevent heart-level relating between family members. You will come to understand how you compensate with self-focused behaviors instead of doing the hard work of lovingly addressing heart-level relating habits in yourself and in your children. Your whole family will experience reconciliation with one another and with God. The Christlike character that results leads to deeper bonds in your relationships so you can write the best possible family story for the Lord. Marilyn's ministry is on-line as well as in her local community in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

© Marilyn Howshall 2019

Empowered Hearts Ministry