Tuesdays at 6:30pm


1908 E Seltice Way, Post Falls, ID

Come be inspired toward practical doable actions you can take to win your children's hearts, and supply the Love they need to willingly and eagerly obey.

Marilyn Howshall's encouraging messages will convict and draw you toward the Lord. Her team will give many examples you can connect to. 

Take a night out to receive prayer and ministry to encourage your heart toward the Lord's help in raising your children for Him.

[Childcare is NOT provided. Nursing infants are welcome.]

Marilyn Howshall

Marilyn Howshall Author, Minister, Family Heartbeat Mentor

Marilyn HowshallAuthor, Minister, Family Heartbeat Mentor

Hello Dear Moms! 

Are you troubled by the behavior of your children, the unfriendliness and bickering between siblings, the lack of listening to your instructions, growing resistance, or the burnout and boredom in your oldest? Are you sensing things aren’t quite right in your children’s relationships, and it’s troubling you, but you don’t know what to do about it? Do you find yourself saying or thinking, "I can't get my kids to....."

I have some good news for you! God wants to do a new thing in your family. He wants you to win your children's hearts so you can draw them to love each other and influence them toward the Lord. He wants to draw you to Himself to be parented by Him so He can show you how to parent like He does. 

I'm Marilyn Howshall. I’ve been ministering to families at meetings and conferences for more than 20 years, answering questions for moms in search of answers for their family relationships.

I remember when I, as a young mom, I felt so ill-equipped and didn’t have a clue how to move my children’s lives foward in a positive direction. My husband had decided we should homeschool, and my heart was filled with fear. I didn’t have the desire to have my children surrounding my life all day every day. I was fiercely independent and emotionally needy and it wasn’t long before I came to see that our family relationships were moderately dysfunctional as well. 

But God was calling me to himself. I didn’t know what I was searching for, but He did. I knew one thing—I loved my children and I didn’t want to ruin them. In my weakness, the Lord compelled me toward Himself and I began to sense His presence coming in and surrounding my life, as if He was saying, “Here I am to help you.” As I cooperated with Hime, he began setting us on a path of healing our family relationships, 

As I journeyed through my Holy Spirit led process, I didn't realze it at the time, but I was developing a method of education and discipleship that equips children for real life. The Lord led us to reach out and help hundreds of other families struggling in their families and homeschooling. 

God is calling you too, Dear Heart, to know Him more, and to rely on Him more and more. You are being extended a divine invitation. God can help with your family's relational challenges and educational needs.

I invite you to join me for "Winning Your Child's Heart" weekly meetings, based on 1st Timothy 1:5, “But the goal of our instruction is love [which springs] from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

I want to mentor you through the beginnings of this relational process. I designed these messages to work on 15 simple and practical actions you can take to begin healing the relational heartbeat of your family. You'll be surrounded in an encouraging and supportive atmosphere as you hear from others how the Lord has worked and is working in their families. These 15 messages have the potential to dramatically impact the atmosphere of your home and bring the Lord’s wisdom and hope to your parenting journey. 

Do you have questions? Email admin@marilynhowshall.com 

Empowered Hearts Ministry